Wednesday, November 27, 2019


#65279;Tchaikovsky Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky Peter Ilyick Tchaikovsky was born on May 7th, 1840 in Votkinsk, Russia. He was born second in a family of five sons. Tchaikovsky seemed to have a natural talent for music since he was young. At age five he started to take Piano lessons from his teacher Maria Markovna Palchikova and soon became better than her. As a pre-teenager, he attended school at St.Petersberg. His mother died in 1854 due to cholera. Peter again took piano lessons, this time with Rudolf Kundinger. In his youth, he continued to study law, attending the School of Jurisprudence although he found it quite boring and stopped. Tchaikovsky became rebellious to his family when he quit his job as a clerk for the Ministry of Justice, and began to study music at St. Petersberg Conservatory. Among his hobbies at the time were going to the Italian Operas (which were very popular in Russia at the time) and listening to Mozart.Saint Petersburg Conservatory, where Rimsky-Korsak...Due to his lack of educa tion though, at age 21, he could not tell how many symphonies Beethoven had composed.Tchaikovsky was first tutored by Zaremba, who taught him harmony and theory, although at the time Peter did not know if he wanted to be a musician or not. Anton Rubinstein was his next teacher, who taught him composition. There he composed the overture to "The Storm" and Overture in F (which he also conducted). In 1866 he moved to Moscow accepting a teaching job in a new conservatory along with Nicholas Rubinstein, Anton's brother. There he composed his first symphony, "Winter Dreams"(in G Minor). This symphony was significant because it was composed at night where he was having insomnia, along with headaches and hallucinations. This is why he was said to have never composed at night ever again.In 1874, Tchaikovsky composed the concerto in B flat Minor, which he was going to dedicate to his teacher Nicholas, but Nicholas criticized his work. He later composes symphony number 4 in F Minor. Tchaikovsk y was married to Anotonina Ivanovna Milyukov, but they later separated. Peter Tchaikovsky moved to a country house of at Maidanovo, and continued his Manfred, with help from Balakirev. At age 35, he produced what might me his most famous opera, Swan Lake in 1875.In 1888, Tchaikovsky made a highly successful international concert tour as conductor, meeting at Leipzig Brahms, Grieg and others, at Prague Dvorak, at Paris Gounod, Massenet, and Paderewski. Finishes his Fifth Symphony, in E Minor. Three years later, he Visits America, and conducts his own compositions at the ceremonies opening Carnegie Hall, New York. In 1890, he had the production of the opera Sleeping Beauty. In 1892, he has the first performance of the Nutcracker Suite.In the last years of his life, Peter returned to his country house at Klin in January of 1893, and begins his Symphony No.6, the "Pathetic." He later went to England in June to receive an honorary degree from Cambridge University, together with other fam ous composers like Boito, Bruch, Saint-Saens and Grieg. The Sixth Symphony performed under his direction at the St.Petersburg on Oct. 28, without marked success. In November 6, 1893 Tchaikovsky died. Reasons for his death are controversial. Some say that he developed cholera and dies in St.Petersburg others say that he committed suicide by taking poison to escape accusations of homosexuality.Operas Names Dates Composed The Voyevode 1867-68 Undine 1869 The Oprichnik 1870-72 Vakula the Smith 1874, 1875 Eugenen Onegin 1877-78 The Maid of Orleans 1878-79, 1882 Mazeppa 1881-83 Tcherevichky Oxana's Caprices 1885 Queen of Spades 1890 Iolanthe 1891 Ballets Names Dates Composed Swan Lake 1875-76 The Sleeping Beauty 1875-76 The Nutcracker 1891-92 Dmitri the Pretender introduction to Act 1 1870 Snow Maiden 1873 domovoy scene in The Voyevode 1886 Hamlet 1891

Sunday, November 24, 2019

3 causas para que te quiten la green card

3 causas para que te quiten la green card La green card, o tarjeta de residencia permanente, es un privilegio otorgado por la autoridades estadounidenses a extranjeros que cumplen con ciertos requisitos y que permite trabajar y residir en Estados Unidos. Pero la pueden quitar por 3 causas. Antes de comenzar a explicar cada una de esas 3 causas, es conveniente comenzar destacando que hay dos tipos de green card. En primer lugar, la condicional que se da en 2 casos: cuando se adquiere por inversià ³n a travà ©s de una EB-5 y en ciertos casos en los que se saca por matrimonio con un ciudadano (no en todos). Estas residencias condicionales se convierten en permanentes  a los dos aà ±os, despuà ©s de hacer ciertos trmites legales. Por otro lado, si no se levanta la condicionalidad, la green card deja de tener validez y tambià ©n se puede revocar si no se cumplen las condiciones para levantar dicha condicionalidad. Por ejemplo, que la inversià ³n no sea la adecuada o que el matrimonio hubiese acabado en divorcio. Y en segundo lugar, estn las tarjetas de residencia permanentes. Estas son, en principio, para toda la  vida. Excepto en casos muy concretos en los que el gobierno puede decidir que cancela o revoca o considera no vlida una tarjeta de residencia. Causas para perder la green card o tarjeta de residencia permanente La green card puede perderse cuando se da alguna de las siguientes 3 causas:   Fraude- Bajo esta categorà ­a entran acciones muy diversas, como por ejemplo, un matrimonio de conveniencia con el à ºnico propà ³sito de conseguir la green card. Pero hay ms: mentir en un formulario migratorio o, incluso, ocultar informacià ³n relevante en uno de los trmites. En el momento en que se descubre el fraude se puede invalidar la green card.Condena por ciertos delitos- Se trata de situaciones graves debià ©ndose prestar atencià ³n a los casos de condenas por los denominados delitos agravados. En caso de tener en contra una acusacià ³n por este tipo de delitos es fundamental contar con la defensa de un abogado criminalista con conocimiento en posibles efectos migratorios de una condena. En estos casos, despuà ©s de cumplir con la condena, el migrante se enfrenta muy seriamente a la posibilidad de quedarse sin la green card y ser deportado.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3. Abandono- Esto sucede cuando el inmigrante no cumple con su obligacià ³n de residir habitualmente en los Estados Unidos. Por ello, hay que ser prudentes con los tiempos que se pasan en otros paà ­ses, particularmente si se trata de ms de 180 dà ­as y menos de 1 aà ±os. Y tambià ©n saber que puede resultar muy conflictivo el hecho de entrar a trabajar a diario a Estados Unidos pero vivir en Mà ©xico o en Canad. En los puentes internacionales con Mà ©xico se ha dado casos de migrantes legales a los que se ha alentado para que renunciaran voluntariamente a la green card, cosa que si quieren no estn obligados a hacer (ver ms al final de este apartado). Adems, en los casos de estancia fuera de Estados Unidos por ms de 1 aà ±o pero menos de dos se necesitar un permiso de reentrada.   Si es ms de 2 aà ±os la duracià ³n de la estancia en otro paà ­s, no hay problemas si se trata del cà ³nyuge o hijos menores y solteros de personal civil o militar o similares de los Estados Unidos y que est estacionado en el extranjero. En los dems casos a veces se puede solicitar una visa SB-1 como residente que quiere retornar pero que sà ³lo se concede si se cumplen requisitos muy estrictos. El formulario a llenar es el formulario que se conoce como DS-117. En los dems casos de pà ©rdida de la tarjeta de residencia por abandono sà ³lo es posible recuperarla iniciando de nuevo todo el proceso y esperando mientras tanto fuera de los Estados Unidos.   Es muy importante que si se llega a un punto migratorio de ingreso a Estados Unidos y el oficial asegura que se ha producido un abandono de la residencia que el residente permanente se niegue a firmar el documento que se conoce como I-407 Abandonment of LPR Status. Si lo hace, pierde la consideracià ³n de residente. Por el contrario debe solicitar ver a un juez migratorio y se le debe entregar una Notice of Appear para presentarse en Corte. Sà ³lo asà ­ se le puede quitar la tarjeta de residencia despuà ©s de que el juez encuentre de forma clara e inequà ­voca y basndose en evidencia de que verdaderamente se ha abandonado el estatus de residente. En otras palabras, no firmar el I-407 en ningà ºn punto de control migratorio y pedir ir a Corte. Otros requisitos de los residentes permanentes La tarjeta de la green card es vlida por diez aà ±os. Debe renovarse antes de que expire. Asimismo, si se pierde o se mutila debe aplicarse por una nueva y notificar su extravà ­o, robo o destruccià ³n a las autoridades migratorias. La à ºnica excepcià ³n es cuando se solicita y obtiene la ciudadanà ­a por naturalizacià ³n. Una vez que se es ciudadano ya no hay que renovar nada. Los tiempos de espera para solicitarla depende de cà ³mo se haya obtenido la residencia. Finalmente, los residentes permanentes tienen otras obligaciones, como pagar impuestos o notificar los cambios de domicilio. Consejos para conservar la green card Por ley, todos los residentes legales permanentes mayores de 18 aà ±os deben llevar consigo en todo momento prueba de su estatus migratorio. El no cumplimiento de este requisito puede dar lugar a una condena por faltas. La aplicacià ³n de esta ley varà ­a muchà ­simo de estado a estado. Para aprender ms sobre la green card, los derechos que da y las obligaciones que impone es aconsejable tomar este test de respuestas mà ºltiples. Da respuesta a las inquietudes ms frecuentes. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The International Committee of the Red Cross Research Paper

The International Committee of the Red Cross - Research Paper Example The ICRC runs operates by depending on donations from well-wishers, governments, Private corporations and the societies that operate under the umbrella of the ICRC. The ICRC in made up of the Red Crescent Movement and many national Red Cross Societies from different parts of the world. These partners are usually contacted to assist in cases of conflict and disasters. Though the ICRC has the permanent international mandate to conduct its activities due to the Geneva Conventions, it still is a private organization operating under the Swiss law The ICRC offers monetary assistance to its member organizations to assist them in their day to day operations and for humanitarian work. The best performing societies are also awarded as recognition of their hard work so as to motivate them to keep up the good work. Organizational Structure The ICRC structure comprises of an Assembly, an Assembly Council and a Directorate. The Council has specifically delegated powers with regard to specific matt ers concerning the ICRC. The Directorate acts as the executive body of the ICRC. The Assembly is made up of 25 members who are of Swiss nationality. The organization is currently chaired by Jakob Kellenberger, Ph.D. It also has two vice presidents to who assist the chair. The Directorate is made up of five members. The Directorate is headed by a Director-General. International advisors are usually appointed by the ICRC to serve for a period of four years. Their work is to advise the ICRC on policy issues and decision making. They help the organization to deal with political and humanitarian issues encountered in a professional manner in accordance with internationally accepted conventions. Apart from the top administrators, the ICRC has a network of national Red Cross societies that are headed by national executive directors. These directors coordinate the societies on behalf of the umbrella body to facilitate smooth operation of the organization. Operations The ICRC dedicates itsel f to alleviation and prevention of any form of human suffering as a result of war or natural disasters such as epidemics and floods. The organization is divided into subgroups to ensure proper distribution of manpower. It consists of the ICRC, the IFRC, the national Red Cross societies present in186 nations and the Red Crescent Societies. All these organizations work under the umbrella body that is the International Committee of the Red Cross. The ICRC main mission is to protect human lives during armed conflicts and other violent occasions and provide necessary aid to the victims. It serves to look after the interests of the most vulnerable and alleviate their suffering. The societies that operate at the national level are meant to assist their respective governments when a crisis situation arises. Their mandate is to provide social programs, health services where necessary and also assist in disaster relief. In the event of war, they should assist civilians and at the same time ca ter for the armed forces. For any national society to be part of the movement, it must seek permission from the ICRC after which it can be counted as a member of the International Federation.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Iran's nuclear possession Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Iran's nuclear possession - Essay Example rguments "for" nd "ginst" Irn's power to use nucler wepon re provided s well s conclusions bout the issue given in the end of the pper. Irn is the poster-child for the nexus of terrorism nd WMD. It is the world's foremost stte-sponsor of terrorism, s well s one of the countries most ctively pursuing nucler wepons. Wshington is vigilnt bout Irn's support for network of Islmist terrorist orgniztions nd persistent in pressing Irn to end its finncil, politicl, mteril, nd opertionl support to them. Recently, Bush nd the Pentgon hve clled Irn "rogue ntion" ( Third World stte tht possesses wepons of mss destruction nd sponsors terrorism). Irn is depicted s sort of regime, supposedly pursuing nucler, chemicl nd biologicl wepons cpbility nd missile delivery systems, tht justifies the building of missile defences. Like North Kore, the Pentgon in fct needs Irn to ct "s the bd guy" nd hs little interest right now in ltering its "behviour". Current president of Irn, Mhmoud hmdinejd, ws not much better known when he entered the presidentil election cmpign, lthough he hd lredy mde his mrk s Tehrn myor for rowing bck on erlier reforms. Since his election he hs tken tough stnd on number of foreign policy mtters, in line with his hrd-line bckground. His comments tht Isrel should be "wiped off the mp" nd tht the Holocust ws "myth" drew widespred condemntion from the West. However, to proceed with tht gol, president needs tobe empowered to ct nd mke decisions, which in Irn is n unlimited option since Irn's Islmic constitution provides n extrordinry concentrtion of executive power not in the hnds of the elected president but in those of the Supreme Leder, or vli-ye fqih, ppointed by council of clerics dominted by hrd-liners. In fct, the Irnin president wields less rel power thn perhps ny other elected chief executive in the world. This new constitution defines the Islmic Republic s new kind of stte, one ruled by qulified Islmi c jurists until the missing Twelfth Imm, the lst rightful ruler who disppered in 941, mkes his nticipted return to erth to usher in the ge of perfect justice. rguments ginst Irn obtining nucler power Militnt Islm is tody's engine of interntionl terror. Islmist schools breed new militnt genertion, Islmist sermons mobilize opinion ginst the free world, Islmist ideology legitimizes recourse to terror nd Islmist "chrities" bnkroll the globl network of terror. While most Muslim sttes re wre of this thret to the world nd their own stbility, there is one tht is ctully governed by Islmists: The Islmic Republic of Irn. Therefore, the principl component of the wr ginst terrorism should be the wr ginst mitnt Islm, which over the lst 20 decdes hs been inspired, nurtured, nd funded by the Islmic Government of Irn. The demise of the clericl regime in Irn would go long wy in "drining the swmp" of militncy nd rdiclism in the broder Muslim world with enormous geopoliticl consequences for U.S. ntionl security interests. Therefore, the permnent success of this cmpign rests on regime chnge in Irn. In short, the United Sttes fces

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Suggest me a good topic Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Suggest me a good topic - Term Paper Example Subway Restaurant has been its major strength that has seen it occupy an appropriate competitive advantage in the food industry. The restaurant offers fast food services such as; turkey breast, roasted beef, steak, cold cut combo, cheese, subway melt et cetera. Moreover, the restaurant provides different types of beverages to its customers. Description of the Products and Services The products offered by the Wali subway restaurant are of good quality and standards. For instance; the mouth-watering turkey and roasted beef salad with raspberry vinaigrette from exclusively selected recipes of canola oil, diced red onions and avocado, cooked and chopped turkey breast, reduced fat feta cheese perfectly crushed, walnuts, and arugula. The mixture hysterically prepared and spray backed to give a great taste. For the raspberry vinaigrette the combined ingredients of balsamic vinegar, canola oil, lemon juice, Dijon mustard, raspberry jam, fresh ground black pepper and salt to taste placed into a medium-sized bowl the whisked thoroughly until the dressing is smooth enough and the jam is properly dissolved. The restaurant also serves Monterey jack Taquitos and backed shredded beef, a meal that is children friendly and very tasty. To make this meal the chef uses high quality ingredients of chill powder garlic powder, lime juice, adobe sauce with little chili pepper, chopped yellow and red bell pepper, cooked and shredded roast beef, boneless blade roast, and canola cooking spray. The menu offered by the Wali subway restaurant makes an effort to create a healthy diet by utilizing clean and up to standard products in a clean environment. The restaurant also takes into consideration a special group of its customers such as the vegetarians by offering old-fashioned food strictly for vegetarians. Variety of this special menu include kuja, matar, badem, and gobhi that are mostly served with mint chutney, tamarind chutney, paneer, mixed vegetable pickle, sauteed smash of sweet pum pkin, and fenugreek. The special drinks offered in this place include sweet lassi that is often served with kulhars. In order to reach out for the customers and for the convenience the customers, Wali restaurant offers an online menu and online services where customers can place orders and make inquiries in the day's specialty. The restaurant also offers room booking services online. Opportunities for the products Selection of products and services offered by the Wali restaurant involves an appropriate identification and mobilization of resources after undertaking economic and social facets analysis. For this reason, Wali restaurant management has to take part fully in the interaction with their potential customers in order to get acquainted with their social and economic conditions. Those customers, who participated, provided the human resource of Wali restaurant with important information and referrals on the products and services that could be offered by the restaurant. These inf ormation and ideas are then supplemented with details obtained from assessment of the area around Manassas, Virginia where the restaurant was located. Reintegration of the already existing restaurants and the products and services they offered was also done. With this information the Wali restaurant decided to offer a variety of products including turkey breast, roasted beef, steak, cold cut combo, cheese, subway melt et cetera since Virginia was multi-ethnic with diverse culture. The management also considered

Friday, November 15, 2019

Testing Drug Content of Famotidine Core Tablets

Testing Drug Content of Famotidine Core Tablets 6. Formulation development and evaluation 6.1 Preparation of core tablets Core tablets of famotidine were prepared by direct compression and batch size was kept as 100 tablets. Drug , sodium chloride, polymer and MCC were co-sifted through sieve # 30 Now the blend is mixed in polybag for 10 min Citric acid was crushed using mortar and pestle and sifted through sieve # 60 And this is added to above blend and mixed in a polybag for 10 min. Then magnesium stearate talc were passed through sieve #60 and to the above blend and mixing continued for another 2 min Now the blend is compressed to tablets having the average weight of 180 mg using 8 mm round concave punch and at low relative humidity 20 % RH 6.2 Coating of core tablets: 6.2.1. Preparation of coating solution: 5 ml of water was taken in a beaker and to this required amount of PEG 400 was added and dissolved 95 ml of acetone was taken in a beaker and stirred at 150 rpm using electrical stirrer to this above solution was added and stirred for 5 min Now to the above solution 5 gm of cellulose acetate was added slowly and stirring is continued for another 30 min i.e until a clear solution was formed. 6.2.2. Procedure for coating of semi permeable membrane: Coating was done using RD Lab Coater. Core tablets were placed in the coating pan and coated with cellulose acetate solution coating parameters are maintained as below: Inlet temperature : 40 oC  ± 2 oC Bed temperature: 35 oC rpm of pan: 15 -17 Spray rate: 3-7 ml/min Atomizing air pressure: 2.0 psi Coating was done until required weight gain was achieved Drilling of orifice: The orifice was made using needles of different sizes i.e, 24, 22 guage INGREDIENTS F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 Core tablet mg/tablet Famotidine 40 40 40 40 40 40 Citric acid 20 20 20 20 20 20 Sodium chloride 50 50 50 50 50 50 HPMC k100M 9 18 Polyox1105 7.2 Polyox 301 7.2 Polyox303 7.2 Sodium lauryl sulphate 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 Magnesium stearate 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 Talc 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 Avicel PH 102 43 43 53.8 53.8 53.8 53.8 Total wt of tablet 180 180 180 180 180 180 Coating solution Cellulose acetate 5 gm 15 % w/w of total solids (0.669 ml) 4 ml Upto 100 ml 4% PEG 400 Water Acetone Weight gain Coated tablets were left over night for drying Table 6.8 Formulation trails for optimum polymer (using various grades of HPMC and PEO) Table6.9 Formulation trails for optimum polymer concentration and coating weight gain INGREDIENTS F7 F8 F9 Core tablet mg/tablet Famotidine 40 40 40 Citric acid 20 20 20 Sodium chloride 50 50 50 Polyox 301 10.8 10.8 10.8 Avicel PH 102 50.8 50.8 50.8 Sodium lauryl sulphate 3.6 3.6 3.6 Magnesium stearate 1.8 1.8 1.8 Talc 3.6 3.6 3.6 Total wt of tablet 180 180 180 Coating solution Cellulose acetate 5 gm PEG 400 15 % w/w of total solids (0.669 ml) Water 4 ml Acetone Upto 100 ml Weight gain 4 % 3 % 5 % Table 6.10 Formulation trails of optimum plasticizer concentration INGREDIENTS F 10 F 11 F 12 Core tablet mg/tablet Famotidine 40 40 40 Citric acid 20 20 20 Sodium chloride 50 50 50 Polyox 301 10.8 10.8 10.8 Avicel pH 102 50.8 50.8 50.8 Sodium lauryl sulphate 3.6 3.6 3.6 Magnesium stearate 1.8 1.8 1.8 Talc 3.6 3.6 3.6 Total wt of tablet 180 180 180 Coating solution Cellulose acetate 5 gm 5 gm 5 gm PEG 400 (% w/w of total solids) 20% (0.89 ml) 25% (1.25 ml) 35% (1.4 ml) Water 4 ml 4 ml 4 ml Acetone Upto 100 ml Upto 100 ml Upto 100 ml Weight gain 4% 4% 4% 6.3 Evaluation of blend 6.3.1 Angle of repose Angle of repose: Weighed quantity of the drug was passed through a funnel kept at a height 2 cm from the base. The powder is passed till it forms a heap and touches the tip of the funnel. The radius the base of the conical pile, and the height of pile were measured and the angle of repose was calculated using the formula: (h/r) h = height of the pile r = radius of the base of the conical pile Table 6.4 Flow property and corresponding angle of repose Flow property Angle of repose (ÆÅ ¸) Excellent 25 – 30 Good 31 – 35 Fair-no need of aid 36 – 40 Passable –hang up chances 41 – 45 Poor – must vibrate, agitate 46 – 55 Very poor 56 – 65 Very, very poor >66 Formulation code Angle of repose F1 25.45 F2 22.92 F3 23.13 F4 19.20 F5 18.62 F6 17.20 F7 20.09 Table no. : Data for angle of repose of all formulations 6.3.2 Bulk density An accurately weighed quantity of powder carefully poured into graduated cylinder. Then after pouring the powder into the graduated cylinder the powder bed was made uniform without disturbing. Then the volume was measured directly from the graduation marks on the cylinder as ml. The volume measure was called as the bulk volume and the bulk density is calculated by following formula: Bulk density = Weight of powder / Bulk volume Tapped Density: After measuring the bulk volume the same measuring cylinder was set into tap density apparatus. The tap density apparatus was set to 300 taps drop per minute and operated for 500 taps. Volume was noted as (Va) and again tapped for 750 times and volume was noted as (Vb). If the difference between Va and Vb not greater than 2% then Vb is consider as final tapped volume. The tapped density is calculated by the following formula: Tapped density = Weight of powder / Tapped volume Compressibility Index: It gives the flow property of the granules. More is the compressibility; less will be the flow property. It was calculated by the following formula using previously obtained bulk and tapped densities. Carrs index = Tapped density Bulk density X 100 Tapped Density Hausner Ratio: It is used for flow property of the granules. It was also calculated from bulk and tapped densities using following formula: Hausners ratio = Tapped density / Bulk density Table 6.3 Flow property and corresponding Carrs index Hausner ratio Flow property C.I ( % ) Hausner ratio Excellent ≠¤10 1.00 – 1.11 Good 11 – 15 1.12 – 1.18 Fair 16 – 20 1.19 – 1.25 Passable 21 – 25 1.26 – 1.34 Poor 26 – 31 1.35 – 1.45 Very poor 32 – 37 1.46 – 1.59 Very, very poor >38 >1.60 Formulation code Bulk density (gm/cm3) Tapped density (gm/cm3) Carr’s index (%) Haussners ratio Angle of repose F1 0.486 0.631 22.9 1.25 25.45 F2 0.410 0.513 20.08 1.25 22.92 F3 0.438 0.601 18.259 1.18 23.13 F4 0.436 0.583 16.39 1.196 19.20 F5 0.430 0.520 17.31 1.21 18.62 F6 0.462 0.535 13.64 1.16 17.20 F7 0.446 0.523 14.72 1.17 20.09 Table no. : Data for Bulk density, Tapped density, Compressibility index and Hausner’s ratio of all formulations 6.4 Post compression studies 6.4.1 Weight variation The average weight of core tablets and coated tablets were determined using a digital weighing balance. 20 tablets were selected randomly from each batch and weighed individually, calculating the average weight and comparing the individual tablet weight to the average. From this, percentage weight difference was calculated. Table 6.11 Limits of weight variation IP/BP Limit USP 80 mg or less 10% 130mg or less More than 80mg or Less than 250mg 7.5% 130mg to 324mg 250mg or more 5% More than 324mg Table no. : Data for weight variation test of all formulations Formulation Code Avg weight (mean ±%deviation) Before Coating After Coating F1 178.42 ± 1.02 185.72 ±1.12 F2 181.31 ± 0.91 188.79 ±1.45 F3 179.21 ±1.34 187.89 ±1.09 F4 181.39 ±0.98 189.01 ±0.98 F5 179.76 ±1.32 186.96 ±1.42 F6 183.12 ±2.24 190.32 ±1.08 F7 180.09 ±1.08 187.34 ±1.12 F8 178.12 ±1.24 184.52 ±1.33 F9 179.35 ±1.02 187.01 ±1.14 F10 180.45 ±0.98 188.00 ±1.11 F11 181.32 ±1.23 188.67 ±1.28 F12 182.45 ±1.11 189.79 ±1.20 Hardness Hardness indicates the ability of a tablet to withstand mechanical shocks while handling. Hardness of both core and coated tablets were determined using a Monsanto hardness tester. It is expressed in kg/cm2. Three tablets were randomly picked from each batch and analyzed for hardness. The mean and standard deviation were also calculated. Table no. : Data for hardness of all formulations Formulation Code Hardness (kg/cm2)(n=3) (mean ±SD) Before Coating After Coating F1 5.06 ±0.19 6.18 ±0.22 F2 5.21 ±0.26 6.29 ±0.42 F3 4.96 ±0.32 6.03 ±0.15 F4 5.02 ±0.22 6.41 ±0.32 F5 5.28 ±0.18 6.17 ±0.18 F6 5.11 ±0.33 6.25 ±0.28 F7 4.89 ±0.25 6.00 ±0.33 F8 4.99 ±0.14 6.32 ±0.36 F9 5.08 ±0.18 6.75 ±0.25 F10 4.99 ±0.25 5.98 ±0.12 F11 5.12 ±0.33 5.90 ±0.21 F12 4.97 ±0.10 5.96 ±0.19 Friability (F) It is the phenomenon whereby tablet surfaces are damaged and/or show evidence of lamination or breakage when subjected to mechanical shock or attrition. The  friability of core tablets was determined using Roche Friabilator. It is expressed in percentage (%). Twenty core tablets were initially weighed (Winitial) and transferred into friabilator. The friabilator was operated at 25 rpm for 4 minutes or run up to 100 revolutions. The tablets were weighed again (Wfinal). The % friability was then calculated % Friability = ((A-B)/A) Ãâ€" 100 Where, Formulation Code Friability (%) (n=10) F1 0.010 F2 0.015 F3 0.017 F4 0.012 F5 0.009 F6 0.016 F7 0.014 F8 0.013 F9 0.012 F10 0.015 F11 0.014 F12 0.012 A = Initial weight of tablets B = Final weight of tablets after 100 revolutions Friability of tablets less than 1% are considered acceptable. Drug content The famotidine core tablets were tested for their drug content. Five tablets were finely powdered; quantities of the powder equivalent to 100 mg of famotidine were accurately weighed and transferred to a 100 ml of volumetric flask. Made up to 100ml with 4.5 phosphate buffer. From the above solution 1ml was taken and made up to100 ml with phosphate buffer (pH 4.5) From the above solution 10 ml was taken and made up to100 ml with phosphate buffer (pH 4.5) i.e.,10 µg/ml solution and measure the absorbance of the resulting solution at 265 nm using a Shimadzu UV-visible spectrophotometer. The linearity equation obtained from calibration curve was used for estimation of famotidine in the tablet formulations. Formulation Code Assay (%) F1 99.25 ±0.042 F2 98.32 ±0.052 F3 99.15 ±0.016 F4 99.52 ±0.019 F5 101.95 ±0.021 F6 99.25 ±0.034 F7 99.98 ±0.028 F8 98.74 ±0.052 F9 98.23 ±0.061 F10 100.12 ±0.011 F11 99.52 ±0.021 F12 99.56 ±0.023 Table no. : Data for drug content of all formulations In-Vitro Dissolution Studies The developed formulations of were subjected in vitro dissolution studies using USP Type II dissolution apparatus (Electrolab, India) with a speed of 50 rpm. The dissolution study was carried out in 900 ml dissolution media maintained at 37 ±0.5 oC. At suitable time interval, 10 ml samples were withdrawn and replaced with equivalent amount of fresh medium to maintain sink conditions. Samples withdrawn were filtered and analyzed at 265 nm using a UV spectrophotometer. After analyzing the drug content in the dissolution samples, cumulative percentage of drug release versus time was plotted. The general conditions for in vitro dissolution studies are as summarized below. Dissolution conditions: Medium : 4.5 phosphate buffer Volume: 900 ml Temperature: 37  °C  ± 0.5  °C Apparatus: USP Type-II (paddle) Rpm: 50 Time intervals : 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 12 hr Samples were suitably diluted and absorbance was measured. Cumulative percentage drug released was calculated for each batch. The study was performed in triplicate and the average was reported. Table no. : In-Vitro data drug release data for formulation F-1 Time Cumulative % drug release 1 0 0 2 1 2.81 ±2.75 3 2 4.00 ±1.64 4 3 6.67 ±2.56 5 4 10.61 ±1.98 6 5 13.07 ±2.84 7 6 16.31 ±1.27 8 7 18.56 ±1.32 9 8 21.86 ±0.99 10 10 27.07 ±1.46 11 12 32.76 ±1.21 Figure no. : In-Vitro drug release of formulation F-1 Table no. : In-Vitro data drug release data for formulation F-2 Time Cumulative % drug release 1 0 0 2 1 2.10 ±2.84 3 2 4.21 ±1.95 4 3 7.52 ±2.95 5 4 10.61 ±2.09 6 5 13.07 ±1.95 7 6 16.31 ±2.75 8 7 18.56 ±2.94 9 8 21.86 ±1.24 10 10 32.16 ±1.89 11 12 40.79 ±1.11 Figure no. : In-Vitro drug release of formulation F-2 Table no. : In-Vitro data drug release data for formulation F-3 Time Cumulative % drug release 1 0 0 2 1 4.02 ±3.72 3 2 8.04 ±1.34 4 3 13.34 ±2.83 5 4 18.63 ±1.52 6 5 22.90 ±1.32 7 6

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Pram Lady and Forbidden Clothes

An important idea in both â€Å"The Pram Lady† by Vivien Alcock and â€Å"Forbidden Clothes† by Jamila Gavin is how people are unaccepting of differences. This is important to me because people should be able to be themselves without being hassled or excluded, also because people my age are not very accepting of others' differences. In the â€Å"Pram Lady† Helena does not accept the way her mother dresses and behaves. She want her mum to be like other mums with â€Å"dyed hair and a perm† because it reflects badly on her. When William, Helena's new boyfriend, sees Helena's mother and doesn't realize who she is he makes a rude comment about her appearance: â€Å"God, what a fright! What a ridiculous creature! † Helena reacts to this by running away from him and telling him she never wants to see or speak to him again. Even though Helena's mother is â€Å"enormously fat† and wears stained clothes, Helena still will not associate with people who disrespect her mother. This shows us that Helena herself has not accepted her mother for the way she is. From this, I learnt that I should not be so quick to judge others before getting to know them because personality shines through and is the most important thing. Oddly, though Helena doesn't want people saying rude things about her mother, she says those things herself. Helena's mother doesn't mind what people think about her and tells Helena that she should just laugh with her friends when they see her. Helena just wants her mother to be normal, when Helen tells her mum this she responds by saying â€Å"But that's what you want, isn't it, Helena? An ordinary mother like your friends have. † Over time Helena gets stressed by the fact her mother forgets to do regular things like wearing unstained clothes. This doesn't work for either of them because Helena is always worried about her mother and her mother is forced to change into something she isn't to please Helena. I relate to this because girls my age sometimes don't except people for their flaws. Reading this short story made me feel that I should wait until I know someone before judging them. As is in â€Å"The Pram Lady†, â€Å"Forbidden Clothes† also shows the way people are made to feel like outsiders because they have differences from their peers. Nasreen, a girl who is living in the UK never felt different in Pakistan,

Sunday, November 10, 2019

International Language and Strategic Inventory Learning Language

Our universe has now become a planetary small town, the clip has long gone when it used to take several months to go from one terminal of the universe to the other, now distance is no more an issue and as distance has shortened the interaction between people from different civilizations and societies have become more frequent beef uping the communicating over the universe. When interacting with people from all over the universe, communicating barrier is faced due to difference in linguistic communication and since it is impractical to larn all the linguistic communications so we have one linguistic communication known as International Language i.e. English which is spoken and understood by a big bulk of people round the Earth. Although it is the female parent linguistic communication of really few states, it is taught and learned in the full universe since larning English has now become a necessity. Learning a new foreign linguistic communication may non be an easy occupation particu larly it requires a batch of forbearance and pattern but it can be made easier and the end can be achieved rapidly if the instruction manner is made harmonizing to the learning manner of an person and this is what Strategic Inventory Learning Language is all about. Learning of linguistic communication in the best manner can be done by first acknowledging our ain acquisition manner and so work on that form. Learning manners can be observed by an person or merely by the acquisition manner checklist. Largely our acquisition manners are developed at really early phases may be pre-school clip or early school life. I found out from the larning manner checklist that I am a Ocular Learner significance that my acquisition abilities are best with the assistance of images, graphs and images. I believe this is because from really get downing of my schooling my parents and instructors emphasized on learning me by demoing or making practical instead than merely reading to me or stating me about it. Normally our acquisition manners are at sub-conscious degree therefore before working to better larning abilities it is of import to acknowledge our manner. A scheme stock list for linguistic communication acquisition is formalized tool that answers the inquiry of what method is best for one peculiar scholar, or group of scholars, to larn a foreign linguistic communication. Harmonizing to the writer Strategic Inventory Learning Language is grouped into five schemes which are memory scheme, cognitive scheme, compensation scheme, meta-cognitive scheme, affectional scheme and societal scheme ( Griffiths and Parr, 251 ) . Normally we follow one or two of the schemes sub-consciously. To recognize our scheme we can detect our acquisition and analyzing wonts or merely make full the SILL inquirer. I found out that my sub-conscious SILL is Cognitive Strategies ; which is that I read for pleasance in English to increase my vocabulary and to guarantee speedy and right sentence formation, besides I try to happen forms in English which enables me to easy discourse in the linguistic communication. As from my larning manner I found that I am a ocular s cholar and so this explains my cognitive scheme that I prefer reading over listening to better my acquisition abilities, since reading helps me to do images of the words in my head moreover, by doing forms I easy retrieve what I have learned. I besides realized that if I have to larn something I do non declaim it several times it alternatively I prefer composing it few times as it helps me to retrieve better as I rapidly absorb the images of the words formed when I had written it down. After all the research about my ain learning manner and the schemes I have been following I feel that now I can expeditiously work upon rushing up my linguistic communication larning procedure and go an independent scholar. Another scheme which I feel I slightly follow is the Social Strategy that is I try to larn by interacting with people who I know have command in English, I besides try to discourse in English and utilize vocabulary in my conversation this is a practical attack towards larning and h ence builds up the assurance which is an of import factor. In future I plan to follow another scheme of SILL which is meta-cognitive i.e. pull offing ain acquisition accomplishments by maintaining a degree Celsius I have check and balance on my advancement and besides guarantee me about how much I have already learned. This scheme will besides enable me to schedule my clip in such a manner that I take out adequate clip to work on my linguistic communication accomplishments on routinely footing. Since I am good at retrieving things that by visual image and I already follow cognitive scheme hence, in order to follow this new scheme I will non hold to alter my acquisition manner hence it will necessitate less attempt and non much clip. Conscious working and acceptance of Strategic Inventory Learning Language will guarantee better acquisition of the linguistic communication in effortless and less clip. Strategic stock list larning linguistic communication is a really utile and efficient agencies to larn linguistic communication as it enables the scholar to larn in the manner that suits them best, this non merely rush up the acquisition procedure but besides develop assurance in the scholar. This strategic attack makes it easier for the scholar to accomplish the end and acquire bid on the linguistic communication. Hence, in order to link to the full universe and feel at easiness when interacting with people of different states holding different linguistic communications it is really of import to larn English and the best and quickest manner to accomplish this end is by following SILL schemes.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Nakamura Lacquer Company Essays

Nakamura Lacquer Company Essays Nakamura Lacquer Company Essay Nakamura Lacquer Company Essay EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Our Company has limited growth in Domestic Market as we are already the best seller. We are having no international business. As classified by the Government of Japan, we cannot invest abroad hence should think seriously about export. The National China Company, the largest manufacturer of good quality dinnerware in United States has offered the annual purchase of 400000 sets of our product at 5% extra price for three years. Semmelback, Semmelbach and Whittacker, Chicago, the largest supplier of hotel and restaurant supplies in Unites States and buyers of dinnerware and similar goods for a number of department stores are willing to represent our â€Å"Chrysanthemum† brand for five years at a) standard commission rates and b) first 20% on all the sales Our Company will make during that time to recover the investment they are bearing for the introduction and promotion in United State. SITUATION ANALYSIS Our company is a market leader in domestic market. We are having no international business. For future growth, Company has to target the other segments of domestic market and to start exporting. Classified by the Government of Japan, We cannot invest money abroad. The National China Company has demanded for fixed order and Semmelback, Semmelbach and Whittacker, Chicago is willing to represent the company in United State. Both the offers can’t be accepted together. STATEMENT OF OPTIONS ?Domestic Market ?International Market Export to other countries. Offer from the National China Company. The offer from Semmelback, Semmelbach and Whittacker, Chicago. CRITERIA OF EVALUATION 1. Existing production level 2. Investment 3. Selling price 4. Profit 5. Brand Value 6. Time period required 7. Risk involved 8. Market segments EVALUATION OF OPTIONS 1. Existing production level: A substantial business, employing several thousand labors and production of 500000 sets of lacquer table ware each year so as to meet the demand from domestic market. Significant changes need to be done in the Company to trade internationally. 2. Growth: Company has a limited growth in Domestic Market as we are already the best seller. We are having a very little or no international business. The first offer enables us 80% more efficient company than the existing one after three years. While the second offer brings more potential in company’s growth in United State. 3. Investment: Optimum utilization of available resources is required if we need to cut down the expenses incurred in meeting the new demand. For domestic market, there will be no major rise in production cost whereas for international business, cost involved is more for changes required in meeting the standards of other countries, labor cost, expansion of production set up and company set up as the demand will be 80% in first offer and for second offer, demand may rise to a couple of million sets. . Market segments: We need to launch the new brand with better quality to tap high-class consumers in Japan. The other market segments like Hotel and Restaurant have to be identified. 5. Selling price: No major increase in price is applicable in domestic market. In case of other market segments, the price is to be comparable with price of existing. In export increase in price is more applicable. First offer has assured 5% increase in price where as in second offer; higher prices can be induced as the customers are like Hotels and restaurants. 6. Profit: The overall profit will be less initially if company introduces brands for segments in domestic market and will grow in the long run but the percent profit will be more or less same. The overall profit and profit percent will be more in the long run if company opts for export. First offer promises fixed rise of 5% in profit percent whereas in second offer overall profit and change in percent profit depends on the response from the customers. 7. Brand Value: Company will achieve more stability in domestic market as we will have brands for different market segments. First offer doesn’t contribute in brand establishment whereas in second offer, after five years brand will be established in United State and company will be globally projected. 8. Time period required: Time period may vary as per the response of the other market segments to our brands. In the first offer, after three years, company will be potentially double than the existing one whereas in the second offer, minimum of five years are required to establish the brand. The time period may be more than five years if the response of the customers not found positive. 9. Risk involved: Expansion of business in domestic market is less risky as our company is well established. First offer brings no risk as the offer is fixed in quantity and price whereas in second offer, the risk involved is very high. If the response turned out to be less promising, the cost incurred in increasing the production level, set up will be hard to recover. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. To invest for other market segments in Japan. 2. The company should accept the first offer. 3. The company should look at the similar opportunities as the second offer for the business in other countries. ACTION PLAN: 1. A market survey of Japan to understand the exact need from the different segments. 2. Evaluation of our company’s current production capacity. Optimization of labor cost. 3. Survey of international market to understand the requirements from different countries and to know the major competitors available and their market share. CONTINGENCY PLAN: ?We need not worry about the possibility of failure while meeting the demand generated by The National china Company. ?Failure to tap the other segments of domestic market will not cost the company much.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Challenges in Refrigerated or Frozen Chicken Productions Business Essay Example

Challenges in Refrigerated or Frozen Chicken Productions Business Essay Example Challenges in Refrigerated or Frozen Chicken Productions Business Essay Challenges in Refrigerated or Frozen Chicken Productions Business Essay Refrigerated or frozen chicken production is a really good deal as a business. Almost everyone eats chicken, and almost no house has a fridge with no chicken inside it. But as entrepreneurs still there are challenges in having this business officially. In my essay, I’m going to mention some of the challenges I’m going to face as an entrepreneur incase I wanted this business to exist in my country Saudi Arabia, and how I might have to find substitute solutions so that my business doesn’t end up with failure like some other businesses. The first issue is that the competitors in the same market are driving the bridges; there are really big competitors in the market. And other than that is that the competitor’s affectation is less because of their production’s volume. They can product a lot in a short time and sell it with the lowest prices which grows the company really fast and makes competition a really hard thing for others that would have the same business. Another issue is that for refrigerated or frozen chicken production we should use pure natural medications instead of the chemical ones which cost a lot more of course, and because of this issue our revenues will grow less because we’ll have to spend more in expanding the volume of our quality. Other issues exist as well such as the lack of price competition which we can’t have because of the low cost in other firms, as we mentioned earlier the competitors’ production is very large which is the thing that really makes them sell their products with the least they can, so what we can do is compete in the quality by using natural medication, because our product then will be more trustable and everyone would want to buy which will be the good thing about our product. Last but not least are the license issues. The government almost never gives the license unless the conditions were required such as employ a specific number of citizens, a specific amount of investment that should be earned, and other conditions that not every business can include in their business plan. These were the issues with some solutions that I thought can be useful for them. Like every business there has to be issues, but as well as there are issues, solutions have got to have somewhere.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Linkedin Understanding a Statement of Rights and Responsibilities Case Study

Linkedin Understanding a Statement of Rights and Responsibilities - Case Study Example The user agreement clearly specifies that agreeing to the terms of the user agreement constitutes a legally binding contract, which is governed by the laws of California. However, whilst the LinkedIn user agreement confers jurisdiction over California, California law and jurisdiction may not be appropriate to intellectual property disputes. Additionally, the user agreement specifically highlights that some jurisdictions and countries do not permit the use of disclaimers in contracts and therefore in some countries, the disclaimers will not be applicable. There is also an exception from California being the appropriate choice of law and jurisdiction where parties have specified an alternative â€Å"competent jurisdiction† in an Arbitration Agreement. Additionally, LinkedIn users have the right to withdraw consent to the collection and processing of personal information at any time under the terms of the privacy policy. However, the withdrawal of consent is not retroactive, which means that any data collected up until the time of withdrawal of consent can still be processed by LinkedIn. However, if a user is under the age of 13 then under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act 1998, the website privacy policy must ensure that parental or guardian consent is obtained for the processing of data collected on the site. As issues impacting commerce and social networking continue to evolve, this, in turn, leads to continuous changes in legal issues impacting the networking environment.  Accordingly, the user agreement is subject to continuous changes and users are bound by changes to the LinkedIn User Agreement.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Autism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Autism - Assignment Example for changing the term and using the umbrella in diagnosing autism in children is because it has been observed that different clinicians can diagnose same individual with different disorder and some may even change the diagnosis of the same symptom differently from one year to the other. In addition, the condition autism is, usually, defined by a common set of behaviors that are evident in the person and hence should be characterised by one term that should only vary according to the severity of the condition (Tanguay. p. 1142). Because DSM-v criteria combines all the sub diagnoses that were used previously under one condition, Autism spectrum disorder, inconsistencies may be noted to exist between DSM-v diagnoses and databases used for billing. Specific sub diagnoses including Asperger’s contain ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM specific codes. The major change is in the removal of the formal Asperger’s disorder and PDD-NOS diagnoses removal. When re-evaluated, individuals who initially were with these conditions are likely to receive different diagnoses when they visit hospitals for re-evaluation. This may be confusing for the parents who currently know the diagnoses of their children as well as adults and children who strongly identify with their conditions. The new criteria of DSM-v used for Autism is more thorough and appears strict compared to the initial criteria used for diagnoses. In this new criterion, it requires more symptoms to meet the criteria used within the fixated area of interest and the behaviour that are repeated. Other changes noted in the new criteria for diagnoses include reorganization. Currently, communication impairment, social interaction deficits, restricted interests and repetition of behaviors are main domains used in diagnosing autism. In the new criteria, there is a combination of social interactions and communication deficit to a single title of social/communication deficits. In addition to this, it is no longer necessary to have